Sunday, 27 September 2015

What is Water Therapy?


By water therapy, you can prevent and cure many diseases.

Method of Water Therapy : -

1. Wake up before sun rise.

2. Do not brush your teeth.

3. Drink 1.5 litres of (filtered or boiled & cold) fresh water.

4. Do not eat or take drinks of any kind for at least 45 minutes after        drinking 1.5 litres of water.

5. Strictly, no alcoholic drinks shall be taken in the previous night.

Initially, It is not possible to drink 1.5 litres ( approx. 6 glasses) of                    water at the start of this therapy.

Normally, every body drinks 1 glass of water in the morning. 

To begin with, start with 2 glasses of water, but one will get used to    it gradually. You can have a gap of 1-2 minutes after drinking 3       glasses of water .

Initially you will urinate 2-3 times within an hour,but it will be           normal after few days.

By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy within the indicated period as below :

Constipation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        1 day
Acidity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      2 days
Diabetes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      7 days
Blood pressure & hypertension ~~~~~~~                4 weeks
Pulmonary TB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     3 months  
Cancer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     6 months
              The following diseases can also be cured :

Anemia, obesity, giddiness, cough, asthma, sinusitis, kidney stones, hyper acidity, eye diseases, irregular mensuration, headache, urogenital diseases, general paralysis, obesity, arthritis etc.

                Persons suffering from arthritis & rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day.

1. Early morning,
2. One hour before lunch
3. One hour before dinner for 1 week and twice a day thereafter until      the disease cures.

*How does pure water act?

Consuming drinking water by the right method purifies blood and human body.

It makes the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood.
If the colon is cleaned, then the nutrients of food will be absorbed properly turning into fresh blood.Life is God’s gift & precious, just make it healthy. 
Wishing you a happy and healthy life.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

How is Super Health with Vitamin 'C' ?

Vitamin 'C'

                    More than 120 illnesses have been detected which can be prevented or eliminated with a good dose of Vitamin- C, also called Ascorbic Acid. It has been found that if this vitamin is taken along with oat bran, its healing properties are increased.
                  Taking Vitamin C with Oat Bran causes more to be absorbed into the body, increasing its curative and preventative qualities. In addition, you include the magnificent properties that the oat has to lower cholesterol level in the blood. It has been demonstrated that by taking 50 grams of oat bran daily, blood cholesterol is reduced by almost 3% in adults.
                Vitamin – C is not produced by the body and for this reason, it is necessary to take it daily, either by food or beverages that contain it, or through nutritional supplements. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is at least 60 mg (minimum) of Vitamin – C.

                  It is important to know that cigarettes, smog and other environmental ills destroy the amount of this vitamin in your body. For example, one cigarette destroys up to 25 mg, that is to say, almost half the recommended daily allowance.

Why does Vitamin – C have such strong healing properties?

                Our white blood cells, which defend the body against all types of hostile elements like bacteria, need a large amount of vitamin – C to function. If the defense system of the body is not in good condition, it will not be able to eliminate the principal enemies of the body, and illnesses and infections will result in that person.

                That is why when you have a throat infection or symptoms of a cold, it is recommended that you gargle with lemon juice. Lemon and orange, like other citrus, contain a lot of vitamin – C. It has been found that vitamin – C kills bacteria in the urinary tract, and also has proven effective to fight illnesses of the respiratory system like Asthma, Bronchitis, and Chest Colds. It helps with dryness of the mucous membrane in the lungs and respiratory system. There is evidence that a vitamin-C deficiency increases the risk of Lung Cancer.

            Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) can be related to the lack of vitamins. It has been discovered that a good dose of vitamin- C lowers the cholesterol level in the blood.

Vitamin – C is fundamental in the formation of collagen, an essential substance for the whole body. The abnormal functioning of collagen can produce: Aging, Muscular pain, Gout, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid arthritis, Colitis and Inflammation of the Blood Vessels. These afflictions can be combated if collagen has the ability to regenerate itself quick enough, and the only way that can happen is through a large intake of vitamin – C. Drink orange juice daily.

Vitamin-C is a great antidote for neutralizing free radicals, the principal cause of aging.
It is recommended to take at least 180 mg per day.

Which foods contain it ?:

Amla, Orange, Kiwi, Strawberry, Lemon & all other citrus fruits, Green Peppers, Broccoli, Papaya etc.

What are Ginseng and its benefits?


                       Ginseng is considered by some cultures of the Orient as one of the most nutritional herbs, as well as one of the most expensive in the world. Its botanical name is Panax Ginseng or Siberian Ginseng or Eleuterococcus. The shape of this plant’s root is similar to that of the human body.

                       Ginseng has been known for its therapeutic properties since 3000 BC and was brought to Europe for the first time in 1610 AD by Dutch merchants.

                      Ginseng is known as a great adapter that is to say that it helps to normalize functions of the body when a person has been subjected to heavy stress, reacting positively on the nervous and hormonal system. Dr. Breckham of Russia has found that Ginseng is very helpful to the body in :-

1.                      Stimulating physical and mental activity in weak or tired patients, which is its most well known effect.

2.                      Fortifying the human body when it is exposed to severe and prolonged physical exertion.

3.                   The proper function of the endocrine gland, particularly the hypophysis, the suprarenal and the sexual glands.

4.                   Stimulating the nerve cells of the brain, strengthening and correcting some nervous illnesses like psychosomatic disturbances, in addition to increasing intellectual activity.

5.                   No side effects have been determined from taking Ginseng.

6.                   In investigations done by the National Cancer Research Institute of Maryland, eleutherococcus, a type of Spiny Ginseng was found to help in the treatment of cancer.

7.                  In Australia, it is used to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.

8.                  In Germany, more than 1 million cups of ginseng are consumed daily. It tones the gray matter of the brain, is a sedative and also normalizes body functions. It stimulates the production of red and white blood cells as well as lowering the cholesterol level in the blood. In the gastrointestinal system, it improves digestive secretions and is a great for increasing sexual activity.

9.               At the University of Osaka in Japan, it has been discovered that Ginseng helps to: improve memory, improve blood circulation, improve metabolism, restore the nervous system, normalize glucose levels in the blood as well as improving fertility in men.

Royal Jelly and Ginseng:-

               This combination results in one of the most energizing and vitalizing products known, given that the nutritional values in each stimulate brain and nervous functions and provide the muscles with vital energy. Both products work as adapters, that is, they help the body obtain stability in moments of stress and nervous tension.

Golden Sage:-

               Taking Ginseng with Chia Dorada (Golden Sage, a member of the Labiate family) produces great therapeutic effects. It helps to prevent rheumatism, neuralgia, hemorrhages, liver problems and improves teeth & bad breath. It helps in the prevention of spasms and chills, colds and pleurisy. It has also been found beneficial against migraines and other headaches.
When Golden Sage is taken together with Ginseng, the effects of both are multiplied.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

What is an Alfalfa and its benefits?


            Alfalfa is one of the most versatile and nutritious foods known. It can be used as a tea, sprinkled on meals or taken as capsules or tablets.

          Alfalfa is highly alkaline, thus helping alleviate problems with stomach acid.

Some illnesses which alfalfa helps to control are:

  •      Arthritis
  •      Stomach ulcers
  •     Gastritis
  •     Liver problems
  •     Hemorrhoids
  •     Constipation
  •     Anemia
  •     Body odour
  •     Gum problems       
  •     Athlete’s foot
  •     Diabetes
  •     Malnutrition
  •     Anorexia
  •     Cancer
  •     Asthma

                    Alfalfa is high in chlorophyll which has tremendous properties for preventing body odour, healing, helping the growth of new tissues in addition to being antiseptic and antibacterial.


                    It contains a rich supply of nutrients as well as Vitamins & Minerals including:-

1.       High content of chlorophyll
2.       PABA (Para-amino-benzoic acid)
3.       Amino acid Triptophan
4.       Proteins


1.       Vitamin – A
2.       Vitamin – b complex
3.       Vitamin – C
4.       Vitamin – D
5.       Vitamin – E
6.       Vitamin – K
7.       Vitamin – U
8.       Biotin
9.       Inositol


1.      1.   Calcium
2.      2.   Phosphorous
3.      3.   Iron
4.      4.   Magnesium
5.      5.   Potassium
6.      6.   Sodium
7.      7.   Sulfides

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

What is an Anemia and its treatment?


              Anemia (hematic insufficiency) is the lack of oxygenated blood in the body.

The symptoms are:-

- Paleness of the skin

- Paleness of the eyelids  
- Palen 
- Spoon-shaped fingernails due to lack  of iron

           - Paleness of the gums

           - Brittle hair

           - Increased respiration

           -Paleness of the lips

                    Anemia is caused by the lack of oxygen in the blood. The main cause is a lack of iron (main component of hemoglobin) in the blood. A shortage of proteins, folic acid, Vitamins B6, B12 & C is other causes of anemia.

The best suggested treatment to help combat anemia is:-

                    A balanced diet, eating healthy foods especially those that contain a high amount of iron. Some recommendations: Lentil soup, spinach, egg yolks, dried prunes, broccoli, turnips and whole grains.

                    If the anemic condition still persists, especially in the case of pregnant women, consult your physician. 

The following is the daily suggested (150 Lb) use
Important Supplement
Suggested daily use
1.      Multi – minerals
( with iron)
4 tablets daily up to 12 years of age, 12 years to adult – 6 tablets daily (2 tablets with each meal)
Needed for proper composition and body function.
2.      Nutritional shake with Aloe Vera
1 daily of 25 gm. Take with milk or yogurt.
It should contain multi-vitamins, multi-minerals, vegetable proteins, amino-acids, fiber etc.
3.      Alfalfa or Pollen
3 tablets daily. 1 tablet with each meal.
Multi-vitamins and multi-minerals.
                                    Supplementary help
4.      Aloe Vera juice, gel or nectar
4 to 6 ounces daily. 1 or 2 ounces before each meal.
Anti-inflammatory, pain inhibitor, digestive and nutritive.

 Suggested Vitamins and Minerals (Taken daily with meals)
·         Folic acid -  50 mg
·         B6 – 50 mg
·         B12 – 100 mcg
·         C – 500 to 1000 mg

·         Iron – 50 to 80 mg

What are Unsaturated Fatty Acids?


OMEGA - 3 ( EPA & DHA) & OMEGA – 9 (Oleic acid)

OMEGA – 3 (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids)

                      Recent investigations have found that the daily ingestion of a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega provides great health benefits principally to the cardiovascular system. It helps prevent problems of the cardiac and circulatory systems like arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attacks and embolism. There are other combinations of oils in this Omega group  named – Omega – 3 and Omega – 9.

                      One of the principal fatty acids is Omega – 3 ( Linolenic acid) as well as Omega – 9 ( Oleic acid) which along with Omega – 3 have wonderful therapeutic properties.

                      The Greenland Eskimos and the Pacific Northwest Groups, who consume large amounts of fish, rarely develop coronary artery disease and have a reduced risk of heart risks. The Eskimos have very low levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein).

                    It has been found that Eskimos and fishermen who eat a large amount of fish have fewer heart problems, high blood pressure and cases of cancer than people whose diet contains a high consumption of red meat. The reason for this is the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in cold water fish and other marine animals.

                  Fish is rich in omega – 3; Flaxseeds are powerhouse of omega – 3.  Walnuts, sea foods, canola oil, beans, cloves and dairy foods are also good sources of omega – 3.

Omega – 3 oil (Linolenic acid) is an 18 carbon long polyunsaturated fatty acid with three double bonds. Linolenic acid is an Omega – 3 oil because its first double bond is at the third carbon.
Linolenic acid can be converted into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is the precursor to the three series favorable prostaglandins. Prostaglandins of the series 1 and 3 are favorable while the same of the series 2 are no good. The reason is - Prostaglandins of the 2 series promote  platelet stickiness, bad factor that contributes to hardening the cardiovascular system. Another important omega – 3 oil is the DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid).

Fish Oil

                    Areas that have been identified in which omega – 3 fatty acids change the metabolism:-

1   -    They may lower blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks and stroke.
2   -  They reduce the tendency for blood platelets to stick together which can lead to formation of blood clots.
     - They lower the rate at which the liver manufactures triglycerides.
4   - They may help repair the damage due a lack of oxygen in body tissues.
5   -  They are used for the treatment of depression associated with bipolar disorder.

       OMEGA – 9 (Oleic acid)

                    It is monounsaturated oil because it contains 18 carbons and one double bond at ninth carbon molecule.

                   It has proven effective in the reduction of cholesterol in people who live in countries like Greece, Italy and Spain where olive oil is consumed daily in meals.

                  A mix of these fatty acids, Omega – 3 and 9 gives us a highly efficient combination for the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides, improving general health by helping to:-

1.  Reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems because it reduces cholesterol in the blood.

2. Avoid deposits of cholesterol on the arterial walls.

3. Reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood (fats that are strongly implicated in obesity, heart attacks and strokes).

4.  Reduce the risk of thrombosis.

 5. Helps to normalize blood pressure.

 6.  Eases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

 7. Slows the advance of multiple sclerosis.

 8.  Slows the effects from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

 9. Slows the growth of cancerous tumors.

10.  Increases the mobility of blood cells.

11.  Helps avoid blood clots, making platelets less sticky.

12.  Prevents the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

13.  Helps to combat skin disorders like Psoriasis and Eczema.

Monday, 21 September 2015

What are Heart Tonics from Foods?

                               Heart Tonics

1. Orange - 


It strengthens heart & liver. Its juice is very beneficial for weakness of heart.

2. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) - 

                    Take two spoons of mixture of equal quantities of powdered amla & candy sugar with water  in the morning and evening. It gives strength to the heart. Amla reduces cholesterol. Heart patients should take amla daily. Taking 50 ml of fresh amla juice can prevent a person from heart attacks. For this, add 50 ml of amla in one cup of water and then drink.

3. Banana - 

                         Eating mixture of two bananas & two spoons of honey give strength  to the heart. It also lessens pain of heart.

It strengthens heart & brain.