By water therapy, you can prevent and cure many diseases.
Method of Water Therapy : -
1. Wake up before sun rise.
2. Do not brush your teeth.
3. Drink 1.5 litres of (filtered or boiled & cold) fresh water.
4. Do not eat or take drinks of any kind for at least 45 minutes after drinking 1.5 litres of water.
5. Strictly, no alcoholic drinks shall be taken in the previous night.
• Initially, It is not possible to drink 1.5 litres ( approx. 6 glasses) of water at the start of this therapy.
• Normally, every body drinks 1 glass of water in the morning.
• To begin with, start with 2 glasses of water, but one will get used to it gradually. You can have a gap of 1-2 minutes after drinking 3 glasses of water .
• Initially you will urinate 2-3 times within an hour,but it will be normal after few days.
• By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy within the indicated period as below :
Constipation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 day
Acidity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 days
Diabetes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 days
Blood pressure & hypertension ~~~~~~~ 4 weeks
Pulmonary TB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 months
Cancer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months
The following diseases can also be cured :
Anemia, obesity, giddiness, cough, asthma, sinusitis, kidney stones, hyper acidity, eye diseases, irregular mensuration, headache, urogenital diseases, general paralysis, obesity, arthritis etc.
• Note:
Persons suffering from arthritis & rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day.
1. Early morning,
2. One hour before lunch
3. One hour before dinner for 1 week and twice a day thereafter until the disease cures.
*How does pure water act?
Consuming drinking water by the right method purifies blood and human body.
It makes the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood.
If the colon is cleaned, then the nutrients of food will be absorbed properly turning into fresh blood.Life is God’s gift & precious, just make it healthy. Wishing you a happy and healthy life.